Explore authentic Eastern Slovakia
Off-the-beaten-track experience
Unfortunately we are not available in 2024/2025, we will be back in 2026
Take our tailor-made tour in a legendary car Škoda 105L (Made in Czechoslovakia)*, or in modern and safe car from 21st century, through the beautiful parts of Eastern Slovakia.
Visit our pristine national parks, Tokaj wine regions, medieval castle ruins, World War I and World War II memorials, lost industrial heritage, UNESCO wooden churches, caves, mines, communist landmarks, local pubs.
Choose your own tour
You choose, we create the most authentic private trips for you and your friends.
*Please note that in some cases (winter conditions, car repairs etc.), we can not guarantee the retro car, but 21st century modern car will be used for transport 🙂
Short trip
Discover Košice and its surroundings
Sites covered during short trip may vary, but this is more or less what we would recommend to visit:
| Geyser of Herľany - a strong spring of the mineral water is natural attraction of the former spa with periodicity of emanation every 32-34 hours.
| Nižná Myšla - one of the richest archaeological localities in (Czecho)Slovakia.
| Watchtower Kavečany - a panoramic view of the town on the top of the hill, where a medieval castle used to stand.
| The Slanec Castle - the ruins of an old medieval castle are on top of mountains called Slanské vrchy.
| Cave "Jasovská jaskyňa" in the Slovak karst, was included into the UNESCO World Heritage List thanks to its significance & unique ornamentation.
| Castle "Turniansky hrad" - ruins with rare local endemit Onosma tornensis, which can not be found anywhere else in the world.
| Ružín dam - the big V-shaped water reservoir is a much sought after holiday resort and active relaxation in a wonderful natural setting.
| World War II Memorial in Dargov pass - Victory Monument with nature trail exposures military equipment and the reconstructed bunkers.
| The manor house Budimír with a strikingly smart Rococo architecture is set in a cared after French garden and English park.
| Monastery Jasov - the Baroque monastery complex of the Premonstratesians included among the national cultural monuments.
+ Slovak national drink & tasty authentic biscuits (inclusive)
Half day
Exploring of peculiar beauty of East
Places covered during a half day exploring tour may vary a bit, but this is more or less what we suggest to see:
| Zádielska tiesňava narrow - the most popular, the most visited and probably the most romantic valley in the easternmost part of the Slovak karst.
| Cave "Krásnohorská jaskyňa" - a cave with the tallest stalagmite in the moderate climate zone. It was included into the UNESCO World Heritage List.
| The manor house Betliar - a stately hunting manor surrounded by a wonderful English park with romantic structures including an artificial waterfall.
| The climatic spa Štós - established in 1883 surrounded by breathtaking natural scenery full of fir and pine trees.
| The Krásna Hôrka Castle - a national cultural monument of the Slovak Republic built on a hilltop near Rožňava with the embalmed body of Sophia Andrássy-Serédy.
| The Mausoleum of Franziska and Dionyz Andrassy - Slovak Taj Mahal because it was also built as a memorial of a big love.
| The National Park "Slovenský kras" - the largest karstic area in the middle Europe with the densest concentration of underground forms.
| Tokaj Wine Route - the King of wines and the wine of Kings because in the past it was served in all royal tables in Europe.
| Solivar Prešov - historically most important salt deposit with number of preserved technical monuments connected with extraction of salt.
+ Local drink in authentic pub (inclusive)
All day long
Expedition to Eastern Slovakia
Sites covered during all day long expedition may vary a bit, but this is more or less what we suggest to discover:
| The Memorial and the Cemetery of the Czechoslovak Army in Dukla - located near town Svidník in the north of Slovakia.
| The Wooden Churches of the Slovak part of Carpathian Mountain Area inscribed on the World Heritage List UNESCO
| Protected landscape area Vihorlat - a densely forested mountain massif
| Andy Warhol Museum of Modern Art Medzilaborce - the first museum and art institution dedicated to Andy Warhol, the king of pop art.
| Spišský hrad Castle - one of the largest castle compounds in Central Europe. It was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.
| Protected landscape area Latorica - Alluvial forests and swamps on the flats of the lowland.
| Bridge of St Gotthard - situated near village Leles is one of interesting smaller stone Gothic bridges with distinctly preserved bows.
| National Park of Poloniny - the easternmost Slovak National Park with an original extensive beech, fir-beech forest and primeval forests.
| Railway bridge and Telgárt tunnel - the first dissected arched structure made of iron-concrete and the only spiral-shaped tunnel in Slovakia.
| Slovak Paradise - National park contains one of the biggest ice caves in Europe and an attractive landscape of karstic plateaux, gorges, waterfalls.
+ Refreshments in a local authentic restaurant (inclusive)
Short trip takes few hours
Exploring takes approx. half day
Expedition takes full day
Availability: all year round
Included: Vintage 1980's Skoda car, transport, guide/support, authentic biscuit/drink/meal
Important: Order trip at least 48h in advance
Starting point: Košice city
Time: according to agreement
Number of passangers: from 1 to 4* per one car
*squeezed in the back seat (only for short trips)